"ElDevotion" fulfills the Elders' responsibility to teach and further the congregation's spiritual life. Elder Dick Geyer (primary author) and his wife Pat authored the book "Chaplains of the Bible: Inspiration for Those Who Help Others in Crisis." Dick has taught adult Bible study classes in three churches including Winfield Bible Chapel. These articles, posted atleast monthly, have been approved by all the elders of Winfield Bible. Feedback is welcomed on these articles.
June 2019
Why should we pray for healing? Because God tells us to. James 5:14-15. And because He promises to heal (“A prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is ill,” James 5:15).
There are doubters who say that prayers for healing wastes our time. But the Bible has countless examples of answered prayer for healing, and we know that the prayers of many have brought healing in post- Biblical times. In short, there is indisputable evidence that prayer for healing works.
Of course, not all prayers bring healing – at least not in what we consider to be an acceptable time. We can become impatient. Three times Paul asked God to remove the thorn in his flesh, before he became content in knowing that the thorn had a positive purpose – to keep him humble. Paul acknowledged that God’s grace was sufficient for him. 2 Cor 12:7-10.
While we are waiting, God doesn’t want us to sit with our spiritual engines idling. Here are some examples of how we can use the time: Seek God’s will for different areas of our lives. Show God, through prayer, how grateful we are for His blessings. Pray that our faith will grow.
Sometimes, when He answers, His answer is not what we prayed for. But it is what is best for us.
Who should do the praying? James tells the sick person to go to the elders for prayer
James 5:14. But the privilege of prayer for the sick reaches far beyond the elders. The Bible makes it clear that we can and should pray as intercessors for others, and for ourselves.
Some people are reluctant to pray for themselves, thinking it to be selfish. But the Bible is filled with examples of people (prophets, kings and ordinary people) praying for themselves. Here is a beautiful example of a prayer for self:
Lord of all power, I hurt. My body isn't functioning as it needs to function.
I am in pain. But you already know all that.
I'm not coming to tell you what is wrong,
but to ask you to do what is right and best for me.
As it fits your plan, heal me, mend my body and my mind,
and grant me days of better health and renewed strength.
As I wait, give me an extra measure of patience, endurance, and perseverance.
When my energy to press forward is lacking pour your power into me like a fresh mountain stream flowing into a beautiful lake.
Lord I know you are able to heal,
I know it with utmost confidence.
Grant me now the wisdom to understand your timing
and the courage to accept your healing as sufficient for the moment.